The RPR Certificate is Important (no, duh!)
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In my career, I’ve come across two different types of reporters: Those who value certifications and those who don’t.
I used to be in the latter group. I felt as if I were a competent reporter who didn’t need the added expense and hassle of earning those letters to put behind my name. Lawyers didn’t have a clue as to what they meant anyway.
I’m bearing my soul and eating crow here. But if you’re in the latter group like I was, you’re dead wrong, too. Having those letters behind your name really do mean something. Yeah, most lawyers are not going to know the difference between an RPR, CRR and a fencepost, but you will, and you’ll be proud to explain the difference to them.
I have a weird sense of fun. Earning certifications has become a freaky hobby for me. Like stamp collectors collect rare stamps, I’m on a mission to collect as many certifications as I can. What will I do when there’s no more to obtain? My goal after that is to participate in speed contests at the national convention or maybe Intersteno.
I’m lazy. Well, I used to be anyway.
Living here in Florida, I didn’t have to become an RPR to start working. Being a single mother of a small child, I didn’t have the extra money to pay for testing. So I went straight to work without the stress and hassle of taking a test.
Fast forward ten years. Yep, never got around to getting that RPR. I even dropped my membership to NCRA. To me, it was just an expensive magazine subscription, an expense I could do without. I could work without it, so why get it?
But year 10 of my reporting career was a tough one. Difficult attorneys, more overnight expedites than normal, and working through vacations and Holidays had made me positive I was ready to go down a different path in my career.
I was just burnt out, and captioning became my goal. Set shifts? No transcripts? Woo hoo! Yeah, buddy.
But as I began looking into transitioning, I learned that most companies prefer captioners with some sort of certification, RPR being the bare minimum.
So began my quest for the RPR. I practiced my tail off and got my RPR on the first try. When I got that letter in the mail saying I had passed, I felt amazing, like I had accomplished something great. This is going to freak some of you out, but I actually thought taking the RPR exam was fun.
The CRR Certification Lets People Know you’re on Top of your Game
So began my quest for the RPR. I practiced my tail off and got my RPR on the first try. When I got that letter in the mail saying I had passed, I felt amazing, like I had accomplished something great. This is going to freak some of you out, but I actually thought taking the RPR exam was fun.
Still keeping my eyes on the prize for captioning, I signed up for the CRR next. There were technical problems with the CD player when I took it the first time, which was good because I had over thought things and freaked myself out. Luckily, we were allowed to take it again this past August.
I felt good about the test, and last week I got a letter confirming what I was afraid to believe. I passed! I’m a CRR! Next on tap in November is the CBC. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
So why should you bother going through the trouble of getting court reporter certifications? In a word, competence. Doctors have to have at least an M.D. to practice. Lawyers need to have a J.D. and pass the Bar to practice law. I know I wouldn’t go to some Joe Blow doctor when I was sick if he had no proof he graduated from college and could legally practice medicine, would you? He could have been spending most of his college years at kegger parties for all I know.
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